Adjust a Button & Hem Tape

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Bristol 6, the brand that brought us Nipple Covers, have now released Hem Tape and Adjust A Button. The Hem Tape is ideal for quickly tucking under your hems and securing them with some temporary tape strips. It comes in a pack of 18 for only $12! If your jeans are too long you simply tuck under the excess hem and stick a piece of Hem Tape on it then peel off the back of the tape and stick it to the inside leg of your jean, it’s very easy and extremely handy! My favourite has to be the Adjust A Button. It’s simply a button that you can put anywhere on the waistband of your jeans to tighten or to loosen them! It is a standard jeans button and you push the pin through the waistband of your jeans in the correct area then you pop the flat back onto the end of the pin, it will not come loose unless you pinch the back of it together to take the back off, it’s such a great idea! It comes in a pack of 2 for $18. I own both of these products and I think they are great. It’s time to say goodbye to jeans that are too tight or too loose, they can be fixed in seconds! So can your hems that are too long, perhaps you just want to wear them with flats for a day but don’t actually want to hem them, just use the tape and you are all set!